Inclusion For ALL Exhibitors & Sponsors in the iXXnow Suite of Craft & Hobby APP's

Being included in the Event Companion is good for your exhibitors BUT when you add in the inclusion in our iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's for the Craft & Hobby industry at NO ADDITIONAL COST you have a real incentive for them to upgrade and create coupons ~ This brings you, the event coordinator more revenue.  How can you do anything but WIN!

See below for some items to look forward to:

Don't wait until tomorrow to say YES to being included in MSRtech's Event Companion!

There are so many benefits when we bring all three strands together that we cannot list them all. . .Your ideas will make the Event Companion offering even more powerful!
MSRtech Introduces the
Event Companion ~ See the Difference
Knowing Whom We Serve
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MSTtech has put together a winning combination.  Their Event Companion is directly linked to the 'iXXnow Suite' of Mobile APP's as well as their 'Stash Companion' so that everyone is marketed through three different avenues at the same time for NO additional $$ ~ What could be better?

Listed below are some key benefits to placing your event inside the MSRtech's Event Companion!