Business Inclusion
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Let MSRtech help consumers find your business with the iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's.  Not only is it easy, fast and cost effective you will receive valuable stats November 2011.
Register today

All of our iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's come with thousands of businesses, both online and retail, included FREE.  You will want to be sure your business is included by registering.  All registered businesses will have the advantage of upgrading their line listing and having a full store page presence.

All included businesses are contacted by our staff periodically to verify information so that the conumers can be assured correct and current information!

Say YES to inclusion in our iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's and receive five benefits right from the beginning.  It's that simple!

Benefit ONE
  • Businesses have their name/address/phone listed in our line listing screen FREE of charge!

Benefit TWO
  • Businesses have the ability to choose their profile so consumers can find you easily!

Benefit THREE
  • Businesses have the ability to be linked to products they carry so consumers can find you through searching products!

Benefit FOUR
  • Buseinsses have the ability to be linked to trade shows and expos they have a booth or are hosting!

Benefit FIVE
  • Businesses have the ability to upgrade their line listing, inlcude coupons, initialize google maps so consumers can find them or add their own store page with many extras!

Register today
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