Store Locator
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Let MSRtech help consumers find your products with our 'Store Locator' found inside all the iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's.  Not only is it easy, fast and cost effective you will receive valuable stats November 2011.
Register today

All of our iXXXnow Suite of Mobile APP's come with thousands of businesses, both online and retail, included.  These businesses are kept up to date by our staff so the conumers can be assured that if a business is listed in one of our APP's it is actually still in business!

Say YES to our store locator and receive five benefits right from the beginning.  It's that simple!

Benefit ONE
  • Stores that carry your product are most likely already included.  If they are NOT we will add them free of charge!

Benefit TWO
  • Stores will be linked to your products via the search engine.

Benefit THREE
  • Stores that are linked will be given a 'co-op' coupon to be used exclusively for one of your products and we pay for this 'co-op' coupon!

Benefit FOUR
  • You receive one banner ad that will be rotated on various screens throughout the APP!

Benefit FIVE
  • You receive one splash ad that will be rotated on the splace and opening screens!

Register today
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