What is a QR Barcode?

A QR Code is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR Barcode reader and camera phones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

There are numerous uses for this QR Barcode separately and inside the iXXXnow Suite of Smartphone APP's.
QR Barcode
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MSRtech utilizes the QR Barcode for many activities such as advertising and marketing the iXXXnow Suite of Smartphone APP's.  A QR Barcode also can be used to tell consumers where the APP can be found in the Android Market.

Consumers will not have to waste times searching when all they will need to do is scan the barcode and the program is installed immediately!
The iXXXnow Suite of Smartphone APP's will utilize not only coupons within the product but will make available each client with a QR Barcode sign to be placed in their store so those who did not see the coupon can instantly be taken to the APP to view and use.  MSRtech will also share the QR Barcode coupon on all the popular social networks.  Once the coupon is scanned, your customers will redeem them in person!

If your customers like your coupon, they will "Share" it on Facebook or Twitter with all their friends and followers.  Utilizing the QR Barcode coupon campaigns within the iXXXnow Suite of Smartphone APP's will spread like wildfire and can give your business a quick jumpstart and see immediate results. Group buying is all the craze right now, but they do not offer an immediate opportunity for social sharing.
See how quickly your customers will see your coupon!
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